Tuesday, December 30, 2003

Still don't know what to use this for apart from babbling on about different fonts. I thought I should read some other peoples blogs but they just seemed to be like diaries of what they were doing/feeling and talking about other people and stuff I'd have to read the entire thing to find out - I'm not really that interested in them, not knowing them, and I'm sure some of their friends aren't even that interested. Sort of a diary, but made public so that anyone can read it - maybe I should check out some people's very early entries to see if they couldn't decide what to use it for either, I can't be unique in that regard. While (thanks to the Google toolbar) I had a blog before I knew what to do with it, not everyone can have decided "I need a blog to do this" and then gone out and got one.

The menu on the left says:

For more information, see these topics in our Knowledge Base:
How do I post to my blog?
What is the difference between Post and Publish?
How do I make a link to another webpage?
How can I make words bold or in italics?
How do I edit what I've written?
How do I delete a post?
How do I find an old post?

No help there, then.

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