Friday, December 12, 2003

Well I changed the horrible Lucida Grande,MS Sans Serif,Lucida Sans Unicode or whatever it was font to be Verdana, and set it to 70%, so now when I italicise something, it doesn't run into the next word, and the size is more to my liking. Viewers can always change it with their browser settings, I just like it fairly small, not cartoonishly large as it was. I could go back and change the bolds back to italics now, but then neither of these last two postings would make any sense.

I still haven't really decided what I want to use this blog for, day-to-day work stuff I don't really want to talk about - and could lead to unemployment if I were indiscreet. Family "history" stuff like the Dec05 1:44 entry is easy enough to talk about, but only when it pops unbidden into my head and is vaguely relevant - I'm not about to sit down and tell my life story (to what is, in all honesty, only myself). That'd be like writing my memoirs or something - whatever the hell they are - something either Barbar the Elephant's Dad or Moomin Papa was always doing, I forget which.

I know what it's "supposed" to be used for, being a web log it should be a log of stuff I do/find/think is cool on the web but quite apart from the fact anyone be they an employer (potential or existing) or a data-mining outfit could use it to track my web usage, I don't really need a catalogue of web sites I've visited - that's what bookmarks are for. In actuality I've pretty much abandoned bookmarks too (infact have done since before they were more commonly known as favorites [sic]) as I just ended up with a big list of dead links. I've scarcely found anywhere that's impossible to relocate without TSOGL(1) or a quick glance through my Sent Items in my mailbox. My favourites are now consigned to the links toolbar in IE, totaling around 13 - and them only for convenience.

Work was fairly unusual this week, as our director resigned today, but I would be really stupid to say any more on that subject. Just a note-to-self, really so I remember when it was it happened.

[1] Thirty Seconds On GoogLe

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